Commitment Behind Your Goal (Toned, Sculpted Arms)
When we set a goal and put our commitment behind it, we’re telling the universe that we’re ready to receive whatever it is that we asked for. Toned, sculpted arms, but often when obstacles or challenges arise, which they always do, we question our commitment and wonder if we really deserve what it is that we’re asking for.
The truth is, whenever you’re met with a c. It’s an opportunity to practice your commitment. It’s an opportunity to show yourself and the universe that you’re serious about achieving your goal of sculpting your arms. Every time you face a challenge and choose to stay committed to your goal, you’re taking one step closer to achieving it.
So don’t give up When things get tough, press on and show. And the universe that you’re ready to receive what you asked for.
Need help getting back on track? Check my new masterclass “The Arms By Kristine” here.