You need to stop hating yourself in order to lose weight
Well, hello, my friends today. We’re gonna talk about why you need to stop hating yourself in order to lose the extra weight, what you weigh today, how you eat, whether you binge today, your bad habits, all of those things are the results that you created. But. When we look at ourselves and we look at what we, what we’ve created, we immediately go to judging ourselves, right?
You judge, you hate yourself. Some of the ways this might show up for you are like this. Okay. You can’t stand to look in the mirror. You say awful things to yourself that you would never say to anyone else. You hate that number on the. You might call yourself some ugly names and maybe you won’t put any money into nice looking outfits that flatter your body right now.
So why do we do this? Because you think you don’t deserve anything nice now, right? Not yet. You think a number defines what kind of person you are and so you don’t wanna treat yourself well until you reach another number. or until you stop binging or until you get your life more together. Well, this is a little bit like beating up a puppy because it’s not housebroken yet, or punishing a child who can’t read yet.
And remember, you probably didn’t create this overeating routine all by yourself. Most of us learned from our parents that food treats make us feel better. There is no school that teaches you how to manage your mind, not as a kid, but now as an adult, you do have another choice. You can figure out what’s causing your feelings and your urges to eat when you’re not hungry.
And you can learn how to notice those thoughts, how to see that you’re having them and see that you have choices of whether or not to believe them. And as you go through this process of seeing your mental wiring, There is no benefit to hating yourself while you do it. Not if you wanna keep going. So I want you to make a promise to yourself.
Okay. I want you to notice what you usually say when you get on the scale. I want you to notice what you say to yourself when you get dressed or when you finish a. Notice how those internal conversations make you feel right. And if you feel bad, I want you to treat those thoughts, like, like a bad Facebook friend, right?
Truly I do. I want you to unfriend that part of you because you don’t deserve to be talked to the way you have been. Nobody does. Okay. It’s time to stand up for you and demand better treatment at your weight. Right now you can do this. Okay. It’s going to feel strange in the beginning. No doubt. Okay.
You’ll notice yourself thinking a common put down thought and you’ll notice that it causes you to feel, you know, less than UN worth. Ashamed even, uh, but your brain has been trained to believe it. So even if you say to yourself, well, that’s not true. I’m a good person. I’m doing the best I can. There’s going to still be a part of your brain that will answer now.
You’re not, you are fat, you are terrible. You don’t deserve to be happy. I want you to quickly remind yourself that this is just an old story. That you’ve practiced a lot. Okay. It’s painful. but it’s natural, right? It’s familiar and it’s just not true. It’s fiction. Okay. I want you to begin to separate the facts from the fiction and take a more active role in how you feel so that you can get yourself to do what you want to do.
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